

除了教祝賀的話之外,還有首中文歌聽說是在過年期間百貨公司常會放的過年歌........「恭喜恭喜恭喜你阿........」如果你猜這首歌就錯啦!no no no ,他們是愛放「甜蜜蜜,你笑得甜蜜蜜......」呵呵,每個泰國人都可以哼上幾句呢!


* Pencil ~Write down your dream everyday. Do not forget God has a wonderful plan for you.

* Eraser ~ We all make mistakes, it’s okay. Admit it, repent to God and start over bravely.

* Coin ~ You are a one-of-a-kind creation by God, you are special and precious.

* Tissue ~Dry the tears of those who are in need. Be compassionate always.

* Bandage ~ Let God cover and heal your wounds. Cast your cares upon Him.

* Marshmallow ~ May the words of your mouth be filled with warmth, gentleness and sweetness. Be joyous always.

* Rubber band ~ Remain elastic so you do not break down easily. Be humble always.

* The last gift, God had already given to you two thousand and eight years ago, His only son Jesus Christ. May Jesus dwells in your heart, molds you to become a glorious “man” and “woman”.  If you haven’t received this amazing gift, simply open your heart and say, “Yes, I do. Yes, I want this amazing gift that will make me a brand new person.”

唉!不過上午發完這紅包,下午的一堂課就有兩個學生搞失蹤,打電話到辦公室找學生也找不到。事後被發現是混近跟其他班進電腦教室。真是氣死我了!高三的學生到了畢業的前幾天簡直是一種「你也拿我沒辦法,我就要畢業的心態」。每次到了放長假前一天的上課日,覺得整個校園都亂了! 真想要回我的紅包~~


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